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The City Of Duncan
Residential Development Award of Excellence

Mayor Kent presented the City of Duncan Residential Development Award for 2012 to Joyce and Henk van de Graaf of 384 Beech Avenue. He noted that this single family home was finished in May 2012 on behalf of Joyce and Henk van de Graaf by Bob Thomson Construction. The location was within the flood plain which required a minimum floor elevation almost 6 feet above the ground. The design of the building worked within these constraints by providing a large enclosed garage and an open covered patio under the second floor living area. The seismically upgraded concrete walls extend to the upper floor with arches to create the open spaces. Wood and stone features were incorporated into the house, including the use of milled lumber from a 100 year old apple tree which had to be removed for the building. The building insulation was significantly upgraded from the minimum requirements, which has resulted in reduced costs for heat pumps and ongoing heating and cooling savings. This residential award is presented to recognize the creative design decisions in an area subject to flood plain restrictions and the energy efficiency of this new home

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